Old STA Page text
The STA Intraligamentary injection has an immediate onset, whereas the typical block injection can take 8 to 12 minutes before a dentist can start treatment. In addition, the STA intraligementary injection last as long as a traditional infiltration or mandibular block. All of this is accomplished with a technology that has been clinically proven to provide a pain-free injection.
Using the innovative CompuFlo with DPS technology, the STA System informs the clinician of the exact location of the needle point between the tooth and bone to directly target the periodontal ligament in order to comfortably anesthetize a single tooth without causing collateral numbing of the cheek, lips and tongue or histological damage commonly associated with the traditional PDL injection.
Moreover, the STA System has been programmed to measure the precise "exit pressure of an anesthetic as it is injected into tissues of varying density. It provides constant information so that the dental professional is in the optimal location during the entire injection.
Furthermore, unlike traditional syringe injections, the STA System allows the dental professional to start working immediately after the injection is administered, resulting in definitive and uninterrupted treatment saving valuable chair time. It also allows work to be performed in multiple quadrants and in both arches with ease, precision and efficiency, thus allowing multiple procedures to be completed in a single office visit.